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Unlocking career of excellence with the D-C-K-T-K formula: A strategic guide for young talents

Proactively seek opportunities to accumulate experience and apply the D-C-K-T-K formula to kickstart your successful career.


Talent training and coaching platform

Building a successful career is a journey that starts early, especially for young people and university students. However, many young individuals face a significant challenge: high unemployment rates. Companies often prefer candidates with experience, making it difficult for new graduates to find jobs. To help you overcome this hurdle, Mr. Nguyen Dang Truong Huy, Founder and CEO of OKR.BUSINESS, a consulting, coaching, and talent development firm, shared the D-C-K-T-K formula during a series of interactive talkshows with colleges and universities across the country.


Mr. Nguyen Dang Truong Huy, MBA – Strategic Management, Founder and CEO of OKR.BUSINESS

Decoding the D-C-K-T-K Formula

D-C-K-T-K stands for “Distill – Improve – Knowledge – Experience – Expertise.” You can apply these five essential steps in the suggested order to almost any activity in life, from education to career development.


The formula that empowers you to grow and achieve success in any fields

Step 1 – Knowledge:

Knowledge is the most fundamental foundation for everything, including your career. Knowledge is broad and encompasses everything you learn in school, what you learn independently, and what you learn from others, including friends, colleagues, teachers, and parents. Always be curious and eager to learn, as understanding information will give you a broader perspective in your career.

Step 2 – Expertise:

This is the most crucial element of the D-C-K-T-K formula. Accumulating practical experience makes you more attractive to employers. Having “expertise” is the clearest signal that you’re ready to contribute immediately upon joining a company and minimizes the need for extensive training in essential soft skills.

Step 3 – Experience:

Real-world experience is essential. Through internships, part-time jobs, and volunteer work, you’ll encounter various situations and emotions in practice, helping you apply what you’ve learned. These experiences not only enhance your CV but also build your confidence when facing challenges.

Step 4 – Distill:

This is the process of synthesizing and connecting what you’ve learned and experienced. When you distill, you’ll uncover valuable lessons and gain multiple perspectives to better understand how different knowledge and skills intertwine, making you more flexible and creative when encountering similar situations in the future.

Step 5 – Improve:

This is the most strategic step in personal development. Always seek solutions to improve past situations and perform better in the future. Whether it’s learning a new skill, enhancing existing skills, or finding new approaches to problem-solving, continuous improvement is the key to any great success. This keeps you innovative, maintains your competitiveness, enhances your capabilities, and prepares you for new challenges.

The Importance of “Expertise” in the D-C-K-T-K Formula

Talkshow hướng nghiệp tại UEH

Mr. Huy shared this advice with young talents during a career-oriented talkshow at UEH

Expertise is a key success factor throughout your career journey.

Top Priority for Employers:

Not only in Vietnam but also globally, most companies tend to prioritize hiring individuals with at least six months of practical experience. These candidates can quickly adapt to new work environments, familiarize themselves with assigned tasks, and often contribute more effectively without requiring extensive training.

Effective Skill Application:

Practical experience helps you apply your academic knowledge to real-world situations flexibly, making you more efficient and confident in handling tasks.


Working in internships or part-time jobs provides opportunities to meet, exchange ideas, and learn from experts in your field, opening doors for future support and collaboration.

Practical Solutions for Gaining Experience

Let’s explore the following suggestions for gaining effective practical experience.

  • Internships:

    Internships are the perfect way to gain real-world experience and apply what you’ve learned in the classroom. Look for internships related to your field of study to develop your skills, familiarize yourself with the workplace, and build your professional network. Consider high-quality internship programs like the IEP Training Program from OKR.BUSINESS, a pioneering and effective solution that will help you develop essential skills in today’s dynamic business environment.

  • Part-time jobs:

    Even if a part-time job isn’t directly related to your major, it can still teach you valuable lessons. You’ll develop discipline, time management skills, communication skills, and teamwork – all essential for success in any field. Use your free time to explore different jobs; you’ll discover your strengths and gain valuable life experience. Every job offers unique learning opportunities.

  • Participate in Case Competitions:

    Case competitions are growing in popularity, and for good reason! Universities and businesses are partnering to offer these challenges across various fields. This is your chance to tackle real business problems, develop critical thinking skills, and gain exposure to potential employers – all before you graduate. Many competitions offer prizes like internships or mentorship opportunities, giving you a head start in your career. Actively seek out and participate in competitions that align with your career goals to gain valuable experience early on.

  • Find the Right Mentor:

    A mentor can provide invaluable guidance, support, and open doors to opportunities you might otherwise miss. They’ve been there, done that, and can offer insights to navigate your chosen field. Look for mentors within your university, professional networks, or industry organizations. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people you admire and explain why their experience resonates with you. Many professionals are eager to give back and help the next generation. Remember, mentorship is a two-way street; be prepared to offer your enthusiasm and time in return.

Tự tin ứng tuyển vị trí mình yêu thích

Confidently apply for your dream job with the experience you’ve gained

  • Volunteering:

    Volunteering not only allows you to contribute to your community but also provides opportunities for personal growth and making a positive impression on potential employers. Participating in volunteer projects demonstrates your sense of responsibility, empathy, and teamwork skills. These experiences will enhance your resume and show that you are a proactive and compassionate individual. Volunteering can give you a competitive edge when employers are considering candidates with similar qualifications.

  • Freelancing:

    Freelancing is becoming increasingly popular, allowing you to work independently with flexibility in terms of time and location. By taking on freelance projects, you can apply your knowledge, hone your skills, build your portfolio, and establish your personal brand. It’s also a great way to explore different fields and find the right path for you.

Tích lũy kinh nghiệm thực tiễn cùng chương trình đào tạo IEP

Gaining practical experience with the IEP Training Program

The D-C-K-T-K formula is a highly effective strategic framework that provides a clear path for young people to achieve career success. By focusing on gaining practical experience, you can enhance your employability and effectively navigate the competitive job market.

Proactively seek opportunities to accumulate experience and apply the D-C-K-T-K formula to kickstart your successful career.

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