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Unlock Your Potential and Discover Your Career Path with Multiple Intelligences

The Theory of Multiple Intelligences helps each individual recognize their unique strengths, which is a crucial factor in building a successful career.


Talent training and coaching platform

Wondering what your strengths are? Want to find your hidden talents? Let’s join OKR.BUSINESS to explore the interesting world of Multiple Intelligences – 09 types of intelligence with simple, concise ways to accelerate your career journey. Get ready, because this is going to be an exciting journey!

What is Multiple Intelligences?

Imagine: each of us is made up of many pieces of talent. And you are a multi-talented, versatile, and multi-dimensional superstar! The theory of Multiple Intelligence (MI) is the brainchild of renowned psychologist and educator Howard Gardner. He used to hold the position of senior director of Project Zero, and since 1995, he has been co-director of The Good Project at prestigious Harvard University. His theory of Multiple Intelligences “shattered” the old notion of evaluating people with only one type of intelligence. Instead, the theory of Multiple Intelligences celebrates the diversity in the way each of us expresses our intelligence.

Some of us are language masters, energetic, able to turn words into compelling stories and become the center of every fun. Others are calculating geniuses, deciphering secrets and solving complex problems as if they were “real-life Conan”. And then there are those who are spatial wizards, able to visualize extremely detailed and spectacular designs even before drawing them on paper. And there’s more! The theory of Multiple Intelligences recognizes not only things related to the brain, but also creativity, communication ability, physicality, and even existential awareness. That has given humanity a whole new way of understanding what Intelligence is.

To date, Howard Gadner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences has been updated from the first published version in 1983. Several other educational organizations and researchers have added to his research, but the original is still considered the core foundation, used as the highest quality official reference material. Now young people, let’s see how many types of intelligence you own below.


Multiple Intelligence Theory helps people understand their abilities better.

09 types of intelligence – Identify personal talents

  1. Linguistic Intelligence: You are a language talent, using words skillfully and subtly. You can be a talented storyteller, a persuasive speaker, a poet, a journalist, or a master of multilingualism. Your talent can open doors to careers in marketing, communications, law, education, and more.


    Clever words and ideas.

    • Suggestions for development:
      • Hone your writing skills through blogging, journaling, or creative writing courses.
      • Practice public speaking by joining a debate club or taking classes on presentation and public speaking.
      • Explore opportunities in content creation, copywriting, or social media KOL/KOC.
  2. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: You are a problem-solving expert, with a strong mind for logic, arithmetic, and patterns. You can be a “master” of math, science, coding, or strategic thinking. Your analytical skills are highly sought after in fields such as finance, engineering, data science, and research.

    Analytical thinking

    Analytical thinking

    • Suggestions for development:
      • Challenge yourself with puzzles and mystery-solving challenges.
      • Take online courses in data analysis, statistics, or programming.
      • Look for internship opportunities or new positions in technology companies, research labs, or financial institutions.
  3. Spatial Intelligence: You are a visual thinker, good at understanding and manipulating spatial relationships. You can be an architect, designer, photographer, pilot, or artist. Your imagination and creativity are invaluable in fields such as architecture, engineering, design, and art.

    Spatial awareness

    Spatial awareness

    • Suggestions for development:
      • Develop your drawing, sketching, or 3D modeling skills.
      • Experiment with different artistic mediums and design software.
      • Look for opportunities to showcase your work through exhibitions, architectural innovation contests in person or online.
  4. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: You are an active person, with physical abilities as sharp as your mind. You can be an athlete, dancer, actor, surgeon, or craftsman. Your physical coordination and dexterity are essential in fields such as sports, performing arts, healthcare, and skilled trades.

    Flexibility and adaptability

    Flexibility and adaptability

    • Suggestions for development:
      • Take dance, martial arts, or fitness classes to improve your physical skills.
      • Join sports teams or competitions.
      • Explore careers in physical therapy, occupational therapy, or personal training.
  5. Musical Intelligence: You are a natural musician, with an appreciation for rhythm, melody, and harmony. You can be a singer, songwriter, musician, music producer, or music therapist. Your musical talent can lead to fulfilling careers in the music industry, education, or therapy.

    Rymth genius

    Rymth genius

    • Suggestions for development:
      • Take music lessons, join a band or choir, or participate in open mics.
      • Learn music production software or explore music therapy programs.
      • Connect and find opportunities to collaborate with musicians and industry professionals to create “masterpieces” together.
  6. Interpersonal Intelligence: You are a sociable person, good at understanding and connecting with others easily. You can be a teacher, a counselor, a salesperson, a manager, or a community organizer. Your communication skills are essential in any field that involves working with people.

    Empathizing with others

    Empathizing with others

    • Suggestions for development:
      • Volunteer for organizations that align with your interests and values.
      • Attend workshops on communication and leadership.
      • Look for opportunities in sales or high-end customer care positions for an exciting experience.
  7. Intrapersonal Intelligence: You are a deep thinker, with strong self-awareness and introspection. You can be a writer, a philosopher, a therapist, a coach, or a spiritual leader. Your understanding of yourself and others can lead to meaningful careers in counseling, coaching, writing, or personal development.

    Connecting with nature

    Connecting with nature

    • Suggestions for development:
      • Journal to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
      • Practice mindfulness and meditation to deepen self-awareness.
      • Explore careers in psychology, counseling, or life coaching.
  8. Naturalist intelligence: You are a nature lover, with a deep connection to the natural world. You can be a biologist, an environmentalist, a farmer, a gardener, or a forester. Your passion for nature can lead to a fulfilling career in conservation, agriculture, environmental science, or outdoor education.

    Passion for the Mother Earth

    Passion for the Mother Earth

    • Suggestions for development:
      • Volunteer for environmental organizations or participate in citizen science projects.
      • Take courses in ecology, botany, or zoology.
      • Consider careers in environmental consulting, sustainable agriculture, or ecotourism.
  9. Existential Intelligence: You are a philosopher with a century-long vision, pondering the big questions of life, the meaning and purpose of life. You can be a writer, a theologian, a philosopher, a spiritual leader, or a social activist. Your deep thinking and ability to ask questions can lead to influential careers in literature, academia, social justice, or spiritual guidance.

    Finding life's true purpose

    Finding life’s true purpose

    • Suggestions for development:
      • Read philosophical texts, attend lectures, or join discussion groups.
      • Explore different spiritual or religious traditions.
      • Consider careers in writing, teaching, or social activism on related topics.

Multiple Intelligences Quick Test – Discover your type of intelligence

Thank you for joining OKR.BUSINESS to learn about 09 types of intelligence. You must be very excited to identify your own intelligence, right? Here are 03 quick and easy situational questions to do in just 01 minute but will help you somewhat in shaping your basic intelligence groups. For each answer, choose at least 1 and a maximum of 3 answers that you find most appropriate.

  1. What do you like to do in your free time?
    • A. Read books, write, play word games.
    • B. Solve puzzles, calculate, learn about science.
    • C. Draw, design, make crafts, take pictures.
    • D. Play sports, dance, outdoor activities.
    • E. Listen to music, sing, play musical instruments.
    • F. Participate in social activities, volunteer, help others.
    • G. Reflect on yourself, write a diary, learn about psychology.
    • H. Explore nature, take care of plants and animals.
    • I. Learn about philosophy, religion, the big issues of life.
  2. How do you learn best?
    • A. Read books, take notes, discuss.
    • B. Use diagrams, graphs, formulas.
    • C. Watch pictures, videos, models.
    • D. Exercise, practice, experience.
    • E. Listen to music, rhythm, melody.
    • F. Work in groups, interact with others.
    • G. Self-study, reflection, self-assessment.
    • H. Observe, practice outdoors, in contact with nature.
    • I. Read philosophical books, participate in discussions, reflect.
  3. What do you usually do when you’re in trouble?
    • A. Find information, read books, ask others for their opinions.
    • B. Analyze the problem, find the cause and solution.
    • C. Visualize the solution, draw diagrams, find creative solutions.
    • D. Try different methods, seek support from others.
    • E. Listen to music, relax, find inspiration.
    • F. Share with friends and relatives, seek support from others.
    • G. Self-reflection, finding solutions from within.
    • H. Take a walk in nature, find peace and inspiration.
    • I. Reflect on the meaning of the problem, find solutions from philosophy or religion.

After answering the 3 questions above, you can see which type of intelligence you are inclined to in the theory of Multiple Intelligences based on the following options.

  • A: Linguistic Intelligence

  • B: Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

  • C: Spatial Intelligence

  • D: Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

  • E: Musical Intelligence

  • F: Interpersonal Intelligence

  • G: Intrapersonal Intelligence

  • H: Naturalist Intelligence

  • I: Existential Intelligence

And we will find the answer to Multiple Intelligences with 3 quick questions above as follows:

  1. If any type of intelligence appears in all 3 questions, it is almost certain that it is the answer that correctly reflects your type of intelligence.

  2. If it appears in 1-2 questions, it may be your tendency but has not been discovered or experienced less. Pay attention to identify more in daily activities to determine more clearly.

  3. If it is not in any of the questions, it does not necessarily mean that you do not have that type of intelligence. Maybe that will be your hidden intelligence, waiting for the right opportunity to shine and prove to everyone. Try participating in a variety of other activities to see how interested you are.

Ready to break through your career – Choose IEP

So how do you discover and maximize your potential after you understand yourself better with the theory of Multiple Intelligences? How to turn theoretical knowledge into practical skills, ready to conquer all challenges in a professional working environment? If you are ready to embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery and career exploration, OKR.BUSINESS is always here to accompany you every step of the way. Our IEP program is designed to empower you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence you need to thrive in the professional world.

Identify your strengths , and kick start excellent career

Identify your strengths , and kick start excellent career

The Internship of Excellence Program (IEP) at OKR.BUSINESS will be one of the answers for you. Not just an ordinary internship program, IEP is a journey of comprehensive self-discovery and development for talented young people that brings “luxury” values:

  • Discover your own talent map: Through personal tests and coaching, IEP will help you identify the dominant types of intelligence and discover hidden talents you never knew existed.

  • Create a “standard” career path: IEP will accompany you to explore career options that match your strengths and passions so you can find a job that is not just a job but also a joy.

  • “Level up” skills and talents: IEP provides you with the resources and support needed to hone your existing skills and develop new ones, helping you become a true “master” in your field.

  • Connect with the “same frequency” community: IEP will introduce you to a network of talented young people and experienced professionals who will accompany, support, and inspire you on your career path.

  • Learn from international “secrets”: IEP applies methods and strategies that have been tested in the international arena, helping you access the most practical knowledge and experience.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s unleash the inner talent of each individual and together create a unique and wonderful career as you wish!

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