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Confidently follow your passion with practical internship experience

Picture of vivienphanthanh


Project Manager - Language Trainer @ OKR.BUSINESS
Kinh nghiệm thực tiễn thông qua thực tập

The thirst for “real experience”

In today’s are of steadfast technology growth, a university degree is no longer the only “golden ticket” to a good and suitable job. Facing current global economic outlook, recruiters tend to look for not only candidates with solid prior-knowledge but also for talents equipped with workforce readiness.

However, ironically, many fresh graduates seem to be “over-educated,” meaning putting perceived knowledge to work is something they rarely have a chance for, even though many have at least a highly qualified degree. This also means they often blend in with hundreds of other candidates with similar qualifications.

So, how to solve this dilemma? One of the most effective solution: Accumulate practical experience through internships.

Practical Experience through Internship

Experience is a key factor in career development


Accumulating practical experience: The “amulet” for your career

Practical experience through internships is your chance to effectively gain experiences, lessons, and skills through practical work, which is an indispensable factor for you to develop your career sustainably.

Why is practical experience so important?

  • Enhance knowledge and skills: Internships help you apply what you have learned to solve real-world issues, thereby gaining a deeper understanding and mastery of that knowledge. At the same time, you will also be trained in professional skills and soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, etc. These are essential skills that not every university’s curriculum is set up for.
  • Expand your network: Joining an internship is a great opportunity to meet and build relationships with experienced people in the industry. These relationships can help you find job opportunities, get valuable advice, and even find a mentor for your career.
  • More confident and assertive: When you have practical experience, you will be more confident in your abilities, ready to face work challenges. You will know how to solve problems, make decisions, and take responsibility for your work.

IEP – The Ultimate Internship “Playground” to Experience and Develop Your Passion

The Internship of Excellence Program (IEP) by OKR.BUSINESS is an ideal “playground” for you to accumulate practical experience through hands-on tasks. With a realistic simulated business model, IEP offers you the opportunity to experience work as a real employee.

With IEP, you will:

  • Participate in real-world projects: You will be assigned specific, meaningful tasks and be responsible for the results of your work.
  • Work with experts: You will work directly with experienced leaders in the field, learning from their experience and knowledge.
  • Develop comprehensive skills: IEP focuses not only on professional skills but also helps you develop important soft skills such as communication, teamwork, time management, etc.
  • Receive certificates and competency assessments: Upon completion of the program, you will receive a certificate proving your determination and a detailed competency assessment report, helping you feel more confident when applying for new jobs.
Kinh nghiệm thực tiễn thông qua thực tập

Confidently pursue your passion when you have top-notch practical experience

How does IEP help young people gain real-world experience and accumulate experience?

For freshers, accumulating practical experience is an important factor in building and developing a solid career path. However, not every internship opportunity offers commensurate value. Many young people are often only assigned small, trivial tasks during their internships, with limited opportunity to tackle real-world tasks and develop professional skills.

Understanding this, the IEP program is designed as a professional training program, simulating a real business environment. Here, you will participate in real-world projects, work with experienced experts, and develop the skills you need for your future career.

  • Professional working environment: You will work in a simulated real-world business model, with real-world work processes, corporate culture, and real-world situations, helping you quickly adapt to a professional work environment later on. You will learn how to communicate, work in a team, manage time, and other skills necessary for success in the workplace.
  • Diverse internship positions: IEP offers a variety of internship positions in fields such as Marketing, Sales, Human Resources, Finance, etc., helping you discover your strengths and find a suitable career path. You can challenge yourself with different positions to find the niche you are truly passionate about and have the potential to develop.
  • Learn from experts: You will work directly with experienced experts and managers, receive guidance and support, and learn quickly and effectively. Our team will guide you with their practical experience, valuable lessons, and useful advice to help you develop your career.
  • Develop comprehensive skills: IEP not only helps you improve your professional skills but also trains crucial soft skills such as collaboration skill, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, etc. These skills must be trained in order to help you accomplish any goal in any given industries.

No more gaps in CV

Don’t let “no experience” becomes a barrier between you and your goals.
IEP does not only offer training program for young talents but also a working condition closest to current global and local industry standard. Here, you can experience and hone your skills for a better career path so that the gaps between your learned lessons at school and real world situation are shortened, which in turns will help you increase your chance to be chosen by your desired employers.

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